Saturday, April 6, 2013

Twitter for Artists with Game Systems

  If you haven't seen my profile or just look on the left side, I am a gamer. I've been one my whole life. I have a 3DS, and a really long time ago, I downloaded this nice $7 game called Colors! 3D. You can draw with it, and afterwards, you can watch it being drawn in time-lapse and upload it to the Colors! gallery if you have an account. I drew the bunny from my Easter post on it.
  Colors! 3D had a huge update yesterday. The said update fixes certain glitches I (personally and thankfully) hadn't encountered, adds a search bar in the gallery, displays the brush cursor in time-lapse, and so much more. All the little things added to it, like the brush cursor in time-lapse, makes a huge difference in the switch from before and after the update.
  There has been a few additions to the gallery where I thought of Twitter. Before the update, and if you have a Colors! gallery account, you can only "like" paintings. Now, you can follow artists you like and tag your paintings with a hashtag. The latter screamed Twitter for me.
That's all I have to say about it. Have a great day!

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